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S. baicalensis, also known as Huang Qin or Chinese skullcap, is a root extract used in traditional medicine. It is often used in combination with other herbs.

Most studies have been done in the lab rather than in humans, and suggest anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Some cancer cell lines undergo cell death when exposed to extracts of this herb, but some compounds in this herb may actually have opposite effects. Larger studies in humans that test safety and effectiveness are needed to determine under what circumstances S. baicalensis may be beneficial.


S. barbata is an herb found in Korea and southern China. It is used with other herbs in traditional Chinese medicine to treat bacterial infections, hepatitis, and tumors. Laboratory studies have shown S. barbata can limit the growth of cancer cells. It is also effective against some bacteria. Small studies in humans suggest that S. barbata may benefit patients with advanced breast cancer. Further studies are needed.

Huang Qin

100 Grams
    • Huang Qin
    • Baikal skullcap
    • Chinese skullcap
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