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Schisandra has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine to treat liver conditions, stomach disorders, and as a tonic to improve vitality. It is also used in various formulas for fatigue and sleep. Its Chinese name, wu wei zi, means five-flavored fruit, to reflect the five flavors recognized in TCM: sour, bitter, sweet, salty, and pungent.

Scientists do not know how Schisandra works, but lab experiments have begun to identify some possible effects. Schisandra has antioxidant activity and appears to protect the liver and nervous system. Other animal studies suggest it may improve mental and physical functioning. Only a small number of studies have been conducted in humans and are too limited to draw any conclusions.


100 Grams
    • Wu wei zi
    • Schizandra
    • Five flavor berry
    • Gomishi
    • Omicha
    • Omija
    • Ngu mie gee

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