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Nettle Dried Extract is a traditional, integrated, and medicinal herb by Avicenna in Vanvouver-Canada 


Several studies suggest nettle may help relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and osteoarthritis, but additional studies are needed.

Nettle is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant native to Asia, Europe, and North America. The root is widely used to treat BPH, allergies, arthritis, and inflammation. Nettle is usually combined with herbs such as saw palmetto and pygeum for the treatment of BPH.

Limited data from clinical studies suggest nettle may be helpful for arthritis and symptoms associated with benign prostatic syndrome. A combination of saw palmetto and nettle reduced nighttime urinary frequency, and was similar to some drugs in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms or BPH. Nettle might also help improve blood sugar control, but additional studies are needed. Although anticancer properties have been described in lab studies, clinical trials have yet to be conducted.

Nettle Dried Extract

1 Gram
    • Stinging nettle
    • Common nettle
    • Greater nettle

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