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Several studies suggest lavender may be helpful for anxiety, depression, and to improve sleep. In studies that use massage along with lavender aromatherapy, massage may be more responsible for some of the benefits.

Lavender has a long history as an herbal remedy in traditional medicine to improve mood and as a sleep aid. Several studies suggest that lavender may reduce anxiety, depression and pain, and improve sleep, but additional studies are needed. In other studies where lavender is used with massage, benefits may be due to the massage, rather than the lavender itself.

Lavender can cause allergic skin reactions and may increase sedative effects. It may also cause enlarged breasts in boys. Because it has weak hormonal activities, long-term oral or topical use of lavender should be avoided in patients with hormone-sensitive cancers.


100 Grams
    • Aspic
    • Lavandin
    • Spike lavender

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