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Fenugreek comes from the dried seeds of the plant, and has a scent and taste similar to maple syrup. It is used in Middle Eastern, African, and Indian cuisine, and in traditional medicine such as Ayurveda to treat inflammation, diabetes, and gastrointestinal disorders.

Research on this botanical is limited. Small studies in humans suggest fenugreek may help reduce blood fats and sugars, or relieve menopause symptoms, but larger-well designed studies are needed.

In vitro, fenugreek acted as an estrogen receptor modulator and stimulated breast cancer cells. Therefore, patients with hormone-sensitive cancers should consult their physician before using this product in amounts greater than typically found in food.


100 Grams
    • Bird's foot
    • Greek hayseed
    • Bockshornsame
    • Methi
    • Hu lu ba

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