Entada rheedii, commonly known as African dream herb or snuff box sea bean, and as the cacoon vine in Jamaica, is a large woody liana or climber of the Mimosa Family. The species is employed in African traditional medicine to induce vivid dreams, enabling communication with the spirit world. The inner meat of the seed would be either consumed directly, or the meat would be chopped, dried, mixed with other herbs like tobacco and smoked just before sleep to induce the desired dream
frican dream root is an herb native to the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The Xhosa and Zulu peoples of South Africa have long used it to treat fever and delirium and stimulate lucid or vivid dreams.
There’s little research on the composition of African dream root, but it’s similar to other plants from the Silene genus. The root contains triterpene saponins, alkaloids, and diterpenoids, which may cause its psychoactive effects.
Entada rheedii / African dream herb
Anacardium Occidental
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