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Ivy also knows English Ivy or Hedera helix, commonly known as English ivy, is a vigorous, aggressive, fast-growing, woody evergreen perennial that is primarily grown as a climbing vine or trailing ground cover. As a climbing vine, it may over time grow upwards to 50-100' in height. 


You might be surprised to learn that English ivy, a plant you’ve likely seen growing up the outside wall of some buildings, can be used as an herbal supplement. It can also be grown indoors as a houseplant.


Also known as common ivy or Hedera helix, English ivy is a climbing evergreen plant can thrive in cold and low light situations. You’ve probably seen it growing up the walls of old buildings before


Many people like the plant because it stays green all year and makes an attractive ground cover for decorative gardens.


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    • Algerian Ivy
    • Baltic Ivy
    • Branching Ivy
    • California Ivy
    • Common Ivy
    • Glacier Ivy
    • Hahn's Self Branching English Ivy
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