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Damask Rose also knows Rosa damascena Mill is the hybrid between R. gallica and R. Phoenicia and is the member of Rosaceae family with more than 200 species and 18,000 cultivars around the world. R. damascena as the king of flowers has been the symbol of love, purity, faith and beauty since the ancient times.


It was originated from Iran and essential oil extracting from its flowers has been started since 7th century A.D. It was brought to Europe and has been cultivated in European countries. Nowadays, Bulgaria and Turkey are the main producers of R. damascena essential oil in the world and the Bulgarian R. damascena oil is the known best ones.


The Iranian people called it, Gol-E-Mohammadi (the flower of Prophet “Mohammad”). R. damascena flowers should handpick daily at early morning and are used immediately after harvesting for industrial purposes.

Damask Rose

100 Grams
    • Iranian Rose
    • Bulgarian rose
    • Turkish rose
    • Taif rose
    • Arab rose
    • Ispahan rose
    • Castile rose
    • Rrose hybrid

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