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Betel nut is the seed of the fruit of the areca palm. It is also known as areca nut.


Many people chew betel nut for the energy boost it produces. This is likely due to the nut’s natural alkaloids, which release adrenaline. It may also result in feelings of euphoria and well-being.

Some traditional beliefs hold that it may offer relief for a range of ailments, from dry mouth to digestive problems. However, the drug has not been well tested in clinical trials, and evidence of any health benefits is limited.


According to one study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, betel nut has cancer-fighting properties. An Indian study suggests it may help with cardiovascular and digestive issues and have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.

Betel Nut

100 Grams
  • Areca catechu 

  • فو فر

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