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Alfalfa contains fiber and a substance called saponins, which are thought to bind with cholesterol in the body and may reduce cholesterol levels. Alfalfa plants also contain phytoestrogens, which act like some human hormones. In fact, alfalfa phytoestrogens caused the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells. Alfalfa seeds also contain a toxic amino acid, L-canavanine. Levels of this amino acid vary widely across various cultivations of plants, and decrease as the plant matures. It is thought that this amino acid may be responsible for alfalfa's ability to cause a relapse of lupus symptoms in patients who are in remission from the disease, and large levels of L-canavanine from alfalfa supplementation may have additional detrimental effects in humans.


100 Grams
    • Buffalo Herb
    • Lucerne
    • Purple Medick
    • Purple Medicle
    • Purple Medic

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